New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources
Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting, June 16, 1998
Department of Education
The regular meeting of the Home Education Advisory Council convened at 3:40 p.m. June 16, 1998 in Room 12 at the Department of Education. Chairperson Elaine Rapp presided.
MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dorazio [sic], Rob Drye, Rachel Hopkins, Angie LeBel, Mike Benik, Mike Faiella, Elaine Rapp, Karen Tardiff, Christine Pollina (visitor), Christine Hamilton (visitor).
MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Wyman, Paul Krohne, Robert Horan, David Batchelder, Gerald Bourgeois.
The revised April meeting minutes were approved. The May meeting minutes were also approved.
Department of Education Report: Rachel
Rachel reported that she received a call from a parent stating that districts were charging parents for doing evaluations. Local school districts cannot charge parents for doing evaluations. More discussion took place regarding unfunded mandates. Elaine will get testimony and the Council will look again at this issue.
Angie reported that an evaluation reminder letter was mailed to each parent for whom the Department of Education acts as participating agency.
Working Papers: Elaine
The bill, which eliminated the need for working certificates, became law without the Governor's signature June 15, 1998. Elaine stated that the Department of Education has received several calls concerning the process for obtaining working papers for home schooled students. She called the Labor Department for clarification. (See attached handout for explanation.)
House Bill 1247: Elaine
Elaine provided a handout on HB 1247 - final version effective 4/28/98. This bill is relative to establishment of a committee to study access to public school facilities and programs by home school students. (See attached copy).
Questions were raised by Mike Faiella regarding the identity of the Study Committee members, if they had met, and the items that they would be discussing. Elaine will obtain the file from the House and Senate.
Senate Bill #331 - An Act eliminating work certificates for 16 and 17-year-old youths (see attached).
The nomination for the continuance of Elaine Rapp to serve on the Home Education Advisory Council was approved by the State Board of Education April 20, 1998.
A nomination letter has not yet been received from the Christian Home Educators of New Hampshire for Mike Benik to continue in a new term. (See post script).
Correspondence Schools
Discussion took place on the issue of correspondence schools. Some states currently do recognize them. Local districts control grade placement and awarding of credit.
Home Education Enrollments
Elaine provided a handout from Judy Fillion (Department of Education) on home education enrollments. (See attached copy).
Supplemental Teaching
Discussion took place on the use of the Internet, videos, tutors and teaching locations. It is the Department of Education's practice to say that the parent must do 51% of teaching. If it is less than 51%, it has to be mutually agreed upon with the participating agency.
The Council wondered if it should make written suggestions to the Department of Educaiton regarding the Department's practice on supplemental teaching. Elaine invited comments from visitors Christine Hamilton and Christine Pollina. In conclusion, the Council decided there would be no need to address this issue in a formal way at the September meeting.
Next Meeting
The Council will not meet during July and August. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Department of Education. Room number to be announced at a later date.
The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Angie LeBel, Recording Secretary
PS: A nomination letter was received June 27, 1998 from the
Christian Home Educators of New Hampshire Board of Governors for
the continuance of Mike Benik to serve a new full term of office
on the Home Education Advisory Council.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.