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To: Home Education Advisory Council
From: Elaine Rapp
Date: June 16, 1998
Re: Working papers for home schoolers

On June 15, I received a call from Angie Lebel [sic] at the DOE with a question from an employer regarding the process for home schooled students to obtain working papers.

I called the Department of Labor where I spoke with Inspector Kane at 271-6294. This is what I was told.

Students should go directly to their school or the superintendent's office for working papers. Papers are issued to the student when the administrator: 1) reviews the proposed job to see that it poses no safety hazard or other violation of type of work allowed at certain ages and 2) that the students meets the academic requirements.

In the case of a home educated student, the administrator would want to verify the student's grade level and age. From June 1 through Labor Day, the academic requirement does not apply; however it would apply during the school year, so the student/parent and administrator would have to decide that the student meets academic standards - this decision is done locally and individually.

If an administrator refuses to issue working papers, the parent can easily override this by sending a letter to the administrator stating that the student does meet the requirements and that the parent wants the papers to be issued. Inspector indicated that working papers are not generally refused and saw no reason why they would be unless the job was prohibited or hazardous.


Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.

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