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Home Education Advisory Council


The regular meeting of the Home Education Advisory Council convened at 3:45 p.m. October 13, 1998 in the State Boardroom at the Department of Education. Chairperson Elaine Rapp presided.

MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dorazio [sic], Rob Drye, Rachel Hopkins, Angie Lebel (recording secretary), Mike Benik, Mike Faiella, Karen Tardiff, Elaine Rapp, Christine Hamilton (visitor), Christine Pollina (visitor).

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Wyman, Paul Krohne, Robert Horan, David Batchelder, Gerald Bourgeois.


The September meeting minutes were approved. Item: Home Schooling Friends Support Group - Beverly Behr's group will be added to the list of N.H. Home Educators Associations.

Department of Education Report: Rachel

Rachel met with the Pittsburg, N.H. school board regarding home education. The Pittsburg Board will write a clear policy around the areas of concern. Tonight Rachel will travel to Warren, N.H. to discuss the borrowed book deposit required of home schoolers.

August 12 Home Education Advisory to Superintendents

Mike Faiella asked for clarification regarding the wording of the yearly evaluation "being negotiated with the school and the parent". Rachel advised that this occurs only when the parent uses the SAU as their participating agent and evaluator. Negotiations take place with the parent(s) and the superintendent.

Legislative Update: Elaine

At this time, no action was taken on dual enrollment. HB1247 - An Act establishing a study committee relative to access to public school facilities and programs by home school students - that is due to have findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation reported by the first of November. It will be available for the Council's November meeting.

Franklin Pierce Law Institute: Elaine

Elaine provided the Council members with a copy of her summary of the Law Institute. (copy attached). The Council asked that a special education consultant come to a future meeting to advise the group on the changes in IDEA and what impact they may have on home education. The Council also saw need to have David Gebhardt, Education Consultant, come to a future meeting to discuss the awarding of credits. Bill Ewert, Assistant to the Commissioner, might also be a guest. Bill works with policy and assessment.

Newsweek, October 5, 1998 Article: Mike Faiella

Mike shared and article entitled "Learning at Home: Does it Pass the Test?" (copy attached).

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Angiel LeBel, Recording Secretary


Attachments (2)

  1. Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
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