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Home Education Advisory Council

The regular meeting of the Home Education Advisory Council convened at 3:50 p.m. September 15, 1998 in Room 12 in the State Boardroom at the Department of Education. Chairperson Elaine Rapp presided.

MEMBERS PRESENT: George Dorazio [sic], Rob Drye, Rachel Hopkins, Angie LeBel, Mike Benik, Mike Faiella, Karen Tardiff, Elaine Rapp, Bob Horan, Christine Hamilton (visitor).

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Wyman, Paul Krohne, Robert Horan, David Batchelder, Gerald Bourgeois.


The June meeting minutes were approved.

Department of Education Report: Rachel

Paul Krohne is unable to attend the Council meetings because of a conflict in scheduling between the Council meetings and those of the N.H. Schools Board Association. Both groups were scheduled to meet on the same day. The group agreed that the meetings should be scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month to enable Paul to attend the Council meetings.

SAUs are not approving home education curriculum. Participating agencies do not approve curriculums but rather only acknowledge them. Whether or not a child has demonstrated educational progress shall be evidenced by the yearly evaluation.

Home Schooling Friends Support Group:

Beverly Behr of Homeschooling Friends, a Dover area, non-sectarian, homeschooling support network, asked what her group needed to do in order to get into the packet of home schooling. They are non-profit but charge $10 per year for their monthly newsletter. (Action taken?)

Annual Counts - Home Education Advisory August 12, 1998

The count of home-educated students will no longer be kept by student name but only by number of students, as the law states. Rather than have the SAUs and non-public schools submit a separate October 1 report to the Home Education Office with complete student information, SAUs will only report the number of home educated children on the A12a and A12c General Fall Reporting Forms. These forms are submitted to the Office of Information Services at the Department of Education. The count will be shared electronically.

Other: Rachel

. The N.H. Bar Association is having a law conference designed for parents and teachers. This item will be placed on the listserv. Hood Museum of Art is offering courses. Elaine requested that notices be placed on the Web page. N.H. Educational T.V. Network now has video conferencing services available to non-profit groups.

. Rachel will be traveling to Pittsburgh, N.H. September 24 to speak to the school board regarding home education. The decision about participation in sports is left to the principal and is based on the rules of the N.H. Interscholastic Athletic Association.

. A handout has been mailed to all superintendents. It is a question and answer format regarding residency for school attendance. (See attached)

. Mike Benik's nomination letter was received June 27, 1998 from the Christian Home Educators of oN.H. Board of Governors for his continuance to serve a new full- term on the Home Education Advisory Council. (Mike Benik's membership was confirmed by the State Board on August 17, 1998.)

Private Service Providers: Elaine

Elaine reported that she has received two letters from private providers of services to home schooled children. The writers asked how they might make themselves available to home schooled children. Rachel stated that the Department of Education does not endorse instructional methods, materials, or providers. She will write to the private providers and provide them with a list of the N.H. Home Educators Associations.

Franklin Pierce law Institute Update: Elaine

She will present a more detailed summary for the group at the next meeting.

Home Education "Dropout": Mike Faiella

The group discussed concerns regarding home schooled students being considered "dropouts". Rachel stated that home schooled children must be in the school attendance count. A question was raised about whether or not the Depatrment had a policy or rule on the use of the term "dropout". Rachel informed the Council that the Department has a contract out to define the meaning of words such as gender, dropout, etc. Mike Faiella is to contact the family in question and advise the group of his inquiry at the next meeting.

Legislative Update: Elaine

House Bill 1247 - An Act establishing a study committee relative to access to public school facilities and programs by home school students. The subcommittee had its first meeting today. Elaine will provide a list of the members at a future meeting. The next meeting of the Home Education Advisory Council is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. at the Department of Education. Room number to be announced at a later date.

The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Angie Lebel, Recording Secretary


Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.

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