New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting, April 7, 1998
Department of Education
3:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Minutes - Rev. 2:
Those in attendance: Angie Lebel, Mike Faiella, Rachel Hopkins, Mike Benik, George D'Orazio, Robert Horan, David Bachelder, Karen Tardif (sic), Elaine Rapp, and Dennis Wyman.
Discussion Notes:
The minutes of the March 3, 1998 Meeting are approved as shown in Rev. 1
HEAC received a letter from the Governor regarding Youth Volunteer of the Year Awards - to go out to the homeschool organizations through DOE.
A legislative study committee (handout) relative to access to public school facilities and programs by homeschool students.
A reporter named Bob Sanders has been contacting many of us - he is writing an article on homeschooling.
Karen commented on the NPSAC meeting and any concerns which may have been expressed relative to the Claremont decision - the members of NPSAC expressed no concerns or thoughts on the subject. Judy Fillion was also there - in her opinion there was no reason for concern as it was only a funding issue.
The governor's proposal includes a definition of "adequate education".
DOE Report:
- Some HEAC members' terms are expiring in 1998 - Elaine Rapp and Mike Benik.
- Rachel is telling those who inquire that parents should not be hiring tutors as their entire home school program. It is the Department's understanding that the majority of the program is done by the parent (concerns were expressed and discussion will continue).
- Evaluation time is here.
Elaine gave Rachel the Statement of Purpose to be included in the homeschool packet - it should be on the first page of the copy of the law.
New Business:
- Mike Faiella made a motion.
HEAC requests the DOE sponsor a homeschooler from HEAC to attend the summer session of the Frankln (sic) Pierce law Institute to hear what is being presented about homeschooling.
- George D'Orazio seconded the motion.
8 votes yes, one abstention
- Rachel will take our request forward.
- David Bachelder asks how he can help homeschooling families. One suggestion given is to work through the professional associations to encourage an easy give and take between public schools and parents.
- Rachel discovered Keene State is excluding homeschooled students from their library - example of students looking for information on the School To Work program - This is part of a federal program meant to involve all students.
- Many public school policies regarding homeschool resource and program sharing tend toward total involvement or no involvement.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 5 1998, in Room 12 of the Department of Education at 3:30 P.M.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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