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Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting, Nov. 4, 1997
Department of Education

3:30 PM to 5:00 Pm


Those in attendance: Angie LaBel, Elaine Rapp, Karen Tardiff, Mike Faiella, Rachel Hopkins, Rob Drye, Paul Krohne, Gerry Bourgeois, Robert Horan and Dennis Wyman

Discussion Notes:

The minutes of the Oct. 7, 1997 meeting are approved.

Review a handout of Elaine's annual report to the State Board. The presentation will be at their December meeting, if possible.

Welcome Pat Bussell for a review of current legislative activity which may relate to home education. Review handout "Status of Bills" revised Oct. 13, 1997.

HB 211 sponsored by Representative Hess, will be voted on Nov. 12, 1997. E-mail may be a more effective way of communicating opinions to those voting than the telephone. Elaine has e-mail addresses.

Dual enrollment - the last legislative action did not effectively reflect HEAC input - discussion on how this process could be improved in the future.

Discussion on the need for an ongoing list of issues that should be addressed.

The DOE has not heard from all districts yet on numbers of home schoolers.

Discussion reconfirmed our understanding that not all subjects mentioned in the law must be covered every year.

Three homeschoolers did attend the Education Summit.

Discussion continued on what should be included in the DOE home school information packet provided to parents upon request. Elaine handed out a list of items for review and discussion at the next meeting.

Health and Human Services is still working on their rules. It is our understanding that their latest version addresses our concerns and recognizes that mandatory immunization applies only to students who attend classes. (And therefore should not be a concern in the letter of notification.)

The next meeting will be Dec. 2, 1997 in Room 15 of the Department of Education at 3:30 pm unless otherwise notified.

Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.

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