New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting - Tuesday, Feb 4, 1997
Department of Education
3:30 PM to 5:00 Pm
Those in attendance: Mike Faiella, Dennis Wyman, Jackie Teague, Elaine Rapp (chair), Karen Tardiff, Joe Rega, George D'Orazio, Rob Drye and Paul Krohne.
Discussion Notes:
The Oct 1, 1996 (amended), the Dec. 3, 1996 (amended) and the Jan 7, 1997 meeting minutes are approved.
Welcome David Gephardt to the meeting to continue discussing the question of how home schooled students are placed if they transfer into the public school system. - (Hand out - the State Board's Minimum Standards for Public School Approval - readopted 1996)
- These standards are silent on how to address placing students transferring into a school.
- He referred us to Ed 306.23(b) and (e) and discussed generally how these have been applied.
- His opinion is that it would be difficult to grant credit for prior work over which the district had no control. He believes the focus should be on proper placement of the incoming student through an analysis of transcripts, portfolios, records of time under instruction, etc. to establish a recognition of what the student has been through and therefore a basis for grade placement.
- He suggested parents keep records of time under instruction which is a significant part of how progress is measured in the public school system.
- Discussion on whether the minimum standards should have a section on students transferring in and how placement should be determined.
- He handed out two examples (Hillsboro-Deering and Souhegan) of school policies on granting credits and placing students transferring into a school.
- It is suggested we get input from the homeschooling community - HEAC and DOE can then work together on a recommendation on language for the minimum standards.
- Discussion on the relation of local boards to the public academies which serve their communities. The public academies are contracted to provide education and would be expected to operate according to the minimum standards.
Thanks David Gephardt.
- Discussion on the status of HB 317 and the hearing.
- It was noted there is also a HB 319 working its way through the system which addresses access to a child's immunization records.
- The Department of Health has released rules affecting home schoolers without notifying HEAC. (Our requests to be notified were verbal rather than in writing.) We have concerns that we were outside their rule making process as well as with the content of their new rules especially as concerns penalties. It is suggested this be duscussed with the Commissioner when she comes to the meeting. (Drafting of the letter mentioned in the Jan 7, 1997 minutes will be postponed for now.)
Due to scheduling conflicts the next three meetings have been rescheduled to the second Monday as follows:
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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