New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting - Tuesday, Dec 3, 1996
Department of Education
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Those in attendance: Mike Faiella, Don Jones, Dennis Wyman, Jackie Teague, Elaine Rapp (chair), Karen Tardiff, Joe Rega, George D'Oriazo [sic], Rob Drye and Rachel Hopkins.
Discussion Notes:
HEAC minutes of the Nov 5, 1996 are approved.
Welcome to guest Fred Fraser
David Gebhardt joined the meeting to discuss questions pertaining to public academies and transferring in.
- The "minimum standards" don't address transferring into public academies from other educational institutions.
- There is no control for credits transferring in other than a screening process.
- David referred us to pages 8 and 13 of the minimum standards
- Ed 306.18 (a) (i) and
- Ed 306.23 (h)
- What is "promotion status" relative to a home school student
Discussion on the dual enrollment law - Pat Busselle handed out a proposed modification to the current law.
- The law seems meant to affirm that district may (and encourage districts to) allow dual enrollment rather than to force districts to allow dual enrollment. Discussion with Pat ensued.
We accepted karen Tardiff's nonpublic school survey results and offer her our thanks.
Elaine handed out the complete information packet included with the HEAC annual report to the State Board for year 1995-1996
The last several items of the agenda will be addressed at the next meeting which will be January 7, 1996 at 3:30 pm in Room 15 at the Department of Education.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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