New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Those in attendance:
Elaine Rapp (chair), Paul Krohne, Mike Faiella, Joe Rega, Jackie Teague, Rachel Hopkins, George D'Orazio
The minutes of the October meeting, as corrected, were accepted by voice vote.
Dual Enrollment Law
- Not much activity yet as a result of this law. A discussion followed on whether the council should take a position on the meaning of the dual enrollment law. no consensus was reached.
Revision of Home Education Rules
- New rules went into effect October 30, 1996 for eight years. Revised law and rules have not yet been printed for large scale distribution. This will be done within the next two months.
Department's Web page
- A request has been made by Pat Buselle [sic] to put the law and rules for Home Education on the Web page.
Accessibility to school related activities by homeschoolers
- Mike Faiella will develop language for the council to consider at our December meeting.
Annual Report
- We discussed whether the council ought to make a recommendation, in the Annual Report, for additional assistance for the department in spring and fall. Paul Krohne moved that: "We recommend that the Board and Commissioner take the necessary steps to assure that the proper staffing is present in the Department to allow for proper implementation of the Home Education Law." The motion failied: 5 nay, 1 aye, 1 abstention
- We voted to present the annual report to the State Board at their December 18 meeting.
Meeting adjourned about 5:10 pm.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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