New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting - Tuesday, Feb 6, 1996
Department of Education
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Those in attendance: Elaine Rapp (chair), George D'Orazio , Mike Faiella, Don Jones, Dennis Wyman, Jackie Teague, Karen Tardiff, Paul Krohne and Rob Drye.
Discussion Notes:
The minutes of the Oct. 3, 1995 and Dec. 5, 1995 meetings are accepted. Moved by Don Jones and seconded by Mike Faiella. It was requested Dennis Wyman send another copy of the Nov. 7, 1995 meeting to Jackie for review and approval next meeting.
Discussion on the (attached) amendment to HB 1203-local
- Paul Krohne asked the reasons for the amendment and Mike explained it was for clarification - at least one Assistant Superintendent of Schools is interpreting the current wording to mean that if a parent begins a home education program after August 1st "they must have either the Commissioner of Education or the principal of a non-public school agree to act as their participating agency". (See attached letter from David Dziura) It was not the intent nor has it been the practice to prevent parents from working with their school district as their participating agency after August 1st if they so desire. it was noted the August 1 deadline will remain in the rules.
- This amendment has passed the full House and is on its way to the Senate.
- Jackie suggested the word "notify" might rather be "report to". To be discussed at the next meeting.
- Paul Krohne will notify the superintendents of the amendment to HB 1203-local.
- It was moved by Paul Krohne and seconded by Mike Faiella that we recommend no changes to the amendment to HB 2103-local. The vote was 6 for, 0 against and 2 abstaining.
Pat Bussell joined the meeting and the above discussion. She also suggested that if we need rule changes they should be agreed upon by the next meeting as the rule change hearings are March 13, 1996.
Commissioner Twomey joined the meeting to provide an opportunity for discussion on any topic.
Paul Leather joined the meeting to discuss the School-To-Work program. It is to be available to all students in the state.
The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 5, 1996 in the Department of Education, Room 15 at 3:30 pm.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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