New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources

Home Education Advisory Council
Meeting - Tuesday, Nov 7, 1996
Department of Education
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Those in attendance: Elaine Rapp (chair), George D'Orazio , Mike Faiella, Robert Kennedy, Don Jones, Dennis Wyman, Jackie Teague and Karen Tardiff.
Discussion Notes:
- The minutes of the lst meeting are accepted.
- The meeting scheduled for January 2, 1996 is changed to January 10, 1996.
- Pat Bussell [sic] will be invited to the December meeting.
- Mike Nichols will be invited to the December meeting to discuss "School To Work".
- The HEAC Annual Report will be sent out.
- Mike made four motions (see attached)
- Motion 1 was seconded by Dennis Wyman and all voted in favor with Jackie Teague abstaining.
- Motion 2 was seconded by Don Jones and all voted in favor.
- Motion 3A, 3B and 3C were seconded by George D'Orazio. During discussion we agreed Mike would rewrite these to a degree and as such Robert Kennedy moved these be put on hold and all voted in favor of holding until the next meeting.
- Motion 4 was seconded by George D'Orazio and all voted in favor.
- The next meeting will be held at the Department of Education on December 5, 1995 at 3:30 pm - Room 12.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.
Last updated:
07 Feb 1999
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