New Hampshire Homeschooling Resources
3:00 to 5:00 PM
Those in attendance: Elaine Rapp (Chair), George D'Orazio, Mike Faiella, Joseph Rega, Dennis Wyman, Jackie Teague, Rob Drye, Harvey Harkness and Karen Tardiff.
Discussion notes:
Review the HEAC annual report - numbers to be added by year - 1990 to present.
The minutes of the last meeting are accepted.
Three topics are tabled until the fall:
Discussed the draft of our year end letter to the commissioner - we will review it again in September - send any thoughts to Elaine.
The private school survey will be discussed at the next meeting.
How do we handle HEAC members who often cannot make the meetings - it was agreed that Elaine will put a note in the September letter.
Meetings for the coming year will start at 3:30 PM on the second Tuesday of each month. Therefore the next meeting will be September 12, 1995 at 3:30 PM in Room 15 at the Department of Education.
Document source: New Hampshire Department of Education, hardcopy.