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The following are the personal notes of:

Chris Hamilton
84 Mason Road
Brookline, NH 03033-2204
(603) 673-0189
beaverlodge at empire.net

HEAC Meeting
December 8, 1998
3:30-5:00 PM

All present agreed it would be wise to keep the meeting short due to adverse weather conditions.

The meeting convened at 3:30 on December 8, 1998. Present were Elaine Rapp, Angie Lebel, Rachel Hopkins, Dennis Wyman, Mike Benik, Michael Faiella, George D'Orazio, Chris Hamilton and Katy Hamilton.

1. Minutes

This was skipped over as there was not a quorum present.

2. HEAC Report for December State Board Meeting

Elaine announced that the State Board of Education had put her report on the agenda for 10:45 on Tuesday, December 15th. Since the schedule is only approximate, she intends to be present at 10:00, and to leave immediately after her presentation. To HEAC members only she passed around a draft of the report she intends to give them. Attached will be a copy of the latest statistics on the number of homeschoolers in the state, and the list of resources DOE has available to mail out to homeschoolers requesting informaiton. A copy of everything given to Board of Education members will also be mailed out to all HEAC members.

3. Department of Education Report

Paul Krohne will no longer be representing the NH School Boards Association. The new representative will be Dean Bensley.

Gerry Bourgeois will be retiring from the DOE in about a week. A new DOE employee has yet to be chosen to replace him on HEAC.

Michael Faiella expressed his regret at the departure of both members.

4. Legislative update

The list of bills pending before the legislature of interest to the DOE that was mailed out to HEAC members may be missing page 1. It will take some time to track it down because the employee who compiled it has broken her shoulder.

5. Old business

Michael Faiella requested that Debra Grabil be asked to attend the January 12th HEAC meeting, to follow up on some questions about special education laws she could not answer during her last visit. Rachel will pass along the request.

6. New business

Inclement weather policy - the decision on whether to hold a HEAC meeting will be made by DOE by noon of the day of the meeting. If there is any question about whether it will be cancelled due to bad weather, contact Angie Lebel, 271-3188 after noon of that day. If noone answers the phone at DOE, it's a good bet the meeting is cancelled! :-)

1. Minutes

A quorum was now present, so the minutes of the November meeting were accepted.

The meeting adjourned at 3:45. At 3:50 Chris Pollina showed up.

Document source: E-Mail from Chris Hamilton

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